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Jazz’s Story

“You have taught me, to be me and to believe in myself”

Our student story this week is about Jazz, who was initially unsure about doing a Challenger Troop programme. Read more to find out how she feels now, what her mother said about the changes she has seen in her and what happened when Jazz missed the fitness test…

Jazz found it hard to engage with the programme at first, often refusing to participate, particularly in anything related to discipline, such as the drill exercises. It was almost as if she was afraid to commit to letting herself enjoy it. This changed in Week Five, Conservation Week, when she arrived at the session correctly dressed and ready to take on the tasks ahead. She started to open up and expressed an interest in joining the army as an engineer. She sought advice from us and her teachers on how to improve her chances of making it through the selection process. And from this point Jazz was consistent in her behaviour and efforts, giving 100% participation.

Jazz did not want to do the course and begged me not to sign the forms”, said her mum, speaking to one of our Essex instructors at the recent awards ceremony. “She can be difficult and hard to handle at times. Since the course, we have all noticed a massive change in her, especially how disciplined she has become, she is so focused! Her fitness has improved and her self-discipline has astounded me! She works hard every day to keep her fitness up, as she wants to join the army. She really didn’t want to attend the course and is now extremely sad to leave! A massive turnaround. I feel so proud to be here tonight and see all that she’s achieved”.

Speaking at the awards ceremony about her experiences, Jazz said “This course has been everything to me! Everything you put out in front of me, I’d never done before. I’m hoping to join the army and will continue to work hard on my fitness. Challenger Troop has taught me to be me!! Believe in myself and my ability. I really don’t want today to be the end! 

Jazz’s commitment to improving her fitness was evident when we received a notification from her school when she was not well enough to attend the Challenger Troop fitness session. The school told us that, “She was devastated to have missed the fitness test and has sought out our PE teacher today asking if she can do it in school, which she has done.” Her results were sent through to us and recorded a fabulous increase since her first test in Week Two of the programme.

The school went on to say “She was determined, to say the least!  We are extremely proud of her. She has also spent her PHSE lesson researching what she needs to achieve to be able to join the army as an engineer. We are delighted to see how inspired she is. ”

At Challenger Troop, we are all very proud of her progress and wish Jazz all the best in her future endeavours.

She is pictured below, on the right with two of her teachers.
Student story Jazz

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Posted: 21, July, 2016
by Challenger Troop

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